Fast and floating

One of the many unique function is the load average time floating locket. The locket displays the overall average time spent to respond your web application.
So, we may say as all say, we are fast. Still, we may be the only WAF to provide load time data.

The average time hit request over a month, for hard ruleset takes about 0.2 second. That simply means, as about more than half the ruleset tends to be soft, you are likely to have your requests completed in less than 0.09 second.
You see each visitor request load time along with it’s full moves through your pages. Each single request is recorded and response load-time is analysed to bring you the best WAF autonomous and reliable system.

My Home Your idendity

Proxies, Tor and VPNs can be used by malicious visitors to hide their identity and carry out nefarious activities online.
In fact, these tools are in almost all cases used by cybercriminals to cover their tracks and avoid detection.
A cybercriminal might use a proxy server to hide their IP address and location when carrying out a phishing attack or distributing malware. They might use a VPN to encrypt their traffic and avoid detection when carrying out a hacking operation or stealing sensitive data.
With millions ips we track, they can’t hide to your WAF. This ensure:
• You can deter adversaries from causing trouble in services or applications.
• You can help combat spam and prevent fraud.
• All automatic malicious website attacks are stopped.
• Hacker must reveal his idendity to attack you. Who does it?
• It will strengthen and accelerate your KYC (know your customer) process.

High Availability

GP Website Firewall is a distributed network of independent nodes strategically located worldwide. Users are automatically assigned the closest node to their domain hosting for optimal speed and response time. In case of node issue, requests are seamlessly redirected to another node, ensuring uninterrupted service. The firewall system can enter “shadow” mode; during “shadow” mode, the original website security firewall node disconnects from the internet, while another node takes over. This transition occurs regularly, making it nearly impossible to determine the exact location of the firewall data, enhancing privacy and security. GP Website Firewall has multi-level backups with continuous database synchronization. The architecture is provider-independent, and the website and dashboard operate independently: This means that even if one or both of these components experience downtime, it does not impact the functionality of the WAF. With our unique architecture, Genius Plugin is likely the first and only firewall solution that ensures your website remains up even if the firewall goes down. Unlike classic cloud CDN/DNS-based solutions or firewalls hosted on the same server as your application, which can cause downtime for many reasons, our firewall guarantees uninterrupted service. Even if our entire system fails, which is highly unlikely, your website will continue to function seamlessly.

Simulator Mode

It simply allows you to simulate the behavior of your WAF to visitor access. This makes it possible to see live Website Firewall ruleset decision to any given ip. Guru clients can be sure that their complex settings behave exactly as needed. With the simulator, you can assess the potential impact of rule changes on a special ip before applying them for the long term. This allows you to evaluate the risks associated with certain rule adjustments you just made and make informed decisions to maintain the desired security posture. For organizations that need to comply with specific security standards or regulations, the simulator helps in compliance testing.

Live WORLD Cyber Attack Map

wordmap firewall

The Live World Cyber Attack Map provides real-time visualization of website or application access hits in an interactive and graphical format. This powerful tool allows users to stay informed about incoming traffic and potential attacks, helping them to proactively respond and stay ahead of security threats.

The map displays the top 20 new access points, highlighting the 10 latest sources of both legitimate visitors and potential attacks. With its visually appealing Network Operations Center (NOC) view, some customers have even utilized this feature to showcase or communicate their website traffic in an impressive manner. It serves as a comprehensive overview, allowing users to understand the overall picture of their web traffic and take necessary measures to ensure the security and stability of their online presence.

Captcha human challenge

captcha firewall

This function can be enabled for visitors which are about to be denied access by your ruleset, but still you give them a chance to visit your website, only if they have not tried to cross your website Security firewall “red lines”. CAPTCHAs are used to weed out bots with a test meant to be easy for humans and hard for bots. We use hCaptcha as it’s the only one with privacy focus and complies with GDPR, LGPD, PIPL, CCPA. It protects your services from scraping, credential stuffing, account takeovers, spam and more with AI technology. It uses simple tasks and takes less time for most users while stopping more bot traffic.

Fingerprint scanner (optionnal)

fingerprint firewall

Website attacks can often leave a “fingerprint” that can be used to identify the type of attack and the techniques used by the attacker. We use these fingerprints to identify the source of the attack and to take steps to prevent similar attacks in the future. Among the digital trails used:
Access logs: Detailed records about requests made to the website wich provide valuable information the techniques used by the attacker.
Malicious payloads: Some attacks involve sending a payload of malicious code to the website, such as an exploit or a script that leave a distinctive signature.
Traffic patterns: Many attacks involve sending large volumes of traffic to a website in an attempt to overwhelm the server or to disguise the attack as legitimate traffic.

Analytics in deep

firewall dashboard

We offer an extensive range of statistical graphs and charts that offer valuable insights into the actions taken. These visual representations provide detailed information, including the user’s IP address, country, hosting server, identification as a bad IP, and whether they are flagged as a bot, VPN, or proxy. Additionally, we provide data on authorized search engines and more. GP goes beyond just blocking users; it provides comprehensive information about the reasons behind user blocking, the frequency of web application hits, and the timestamps of their first and last recorded accesses. To make data exploration and analysis even more convenient, our platform features a powerful search engine and advanced filtering options. You can effortlessly locate, organize, and export all the valuable insights in CSV text format for further examination and decision-making.

Intrusion Prevention Intelligence

The GP IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) is a powerful security service designed to protect your website from various types of attacks. Unlike traditional approaches that involve stripping, sanitizing, or filtering input, the GP IPS takes a different approach. It focuses on detecting and recognizing when an attacker attempts to compromise your site and then denies them access.
The GP IPS operates in two modes: ‘Balanced’ and ‘Ironclad’. In ‘Balanced’ mode, it provides a strong level of protection, while in ‘Ironclad’ mode, it offers an even more robust defense. By choosing the appropriate mode, you can mitigate a wide range of attacks, including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), SQL Injection, Remote File Inclusion (RFI), Local File Inclusion (LFI), Remote Code Execution (RCE), Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), Directory Traversal, Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR), and Command Injection.
One of the key features of GP IPS is its ability to provide detailed information about attacks on your site. It allows you to identify the attackers, analyze their methods, determine the timing and frequency of attacks, and gain valuable insights into their behavior. This information can be crucial in understanding the threat landscape and implementing additional security measures to safeguard your website.

Enhanced Privacy and Data Protection

The Website Firewall is specifically crafted to prioritize privacy, confidentiality, and data protection, offering the best array of features and actions to secure sensitive information.
Contrary to the majority of competitors, clients maintain control over the data sent from the WAF setting console (dashboard) and the plugin code before actual transmission, distinguishing Genius Plugin from its counterparts. Users can selectively activate or deactivate the transmission of various data types, such as POST content, often containing sensitive information. Additionally, they have the ability to enable or disable the sending of HEADER data associated with each request, along with the option to activate or deactivate user intelligence tracking.
Genius Plugin stands out as the first Firewall providing the capability to transparently and directly filter each POST and HEADER variable within the plugin code, offering unparalleled granular user control over the data sent to the firewall.
To ensure privacy compliance, we leverage hCaptcha as our human challenge system. hCaptcha adheres to privacy-focused regulations such as GDPR, LGPD, PIPL, and CCPA, assuring the protection of user data.
A pivotal privacy-enhancing measure is that GP does not retain any POST, HEADER, or user tracking intelligence data. It analyzes the data on the fly, storing only the visitor’s IP and the URL request, minimizing the risk of data exposure. Only a few essential fragments of attacks are retained to empower users to enhance their website protection.
In an additional layer of data safeguarding, rulesets, which may contain fragments of visitor data (IP & URL), are not retained for more than 60 days. This ensures that potentially sensitive information is not stored longer than necessary.

Beyond the crucials

3 crucials facts about firewalls:
• A website or service protected by a firewall of which the entire code can be analysed, is just lines of code that has already been bypassed by hackers.. logic!
• If you rely on a WAF solution that requires you to use a CDN or change your domain nameservers, you could be sending sensitive information such as passwords, client details, invoices, and emails, and relying solely on the trustworthiness and integrity of the WAF provider.
• Security experts shun CDNs as firewalls due to various risks. Avoid being misled by marketing tactics and try to google “public cdn risks” for more details.
GP has released plugins for WordPress, Joomla, Clientexec, WHMCS, etc., covering all sensitive parts of these web applications. This allows you to add protection either globally or on a per-page basis, providing comprehensive security solutions. We have released a universal plugin you can implement on most web application and yes, you may say goodbye to “htaccess” protection, the webarchive, the robot.txt disallow etc..

Red lines ambush

Red lines ambush are hidden limits you set, beyond which, the visitor is simply denied access temporarily or permanently.
How many pages can a human visit per minute? 1, 5, 10, 15.. sure no more. This is one of the red lines you can trace, so that malicious behaviors are ambushed.
How many times a visitor can try to access pages that does not exist, or that you don’t want him to access to, before you ban him temporarily?
How many times a visitor attempts to make bad requests, you previously determined as being bad requests, for example, because the url address contains prohibited words or requests, before he is denied access?
What is the ultimate number of bad behaviour records, beyond which, the visitor is “killed” permanently?
We made red lines ambush so fast and easy to use, yet so powerful, that you will enjoy seeing malicious persons and robots fell into ambushes.

Regex all web addresses

A regular expression, commonly known as regex, is a powerful tool used to define filters for validating or invalidating specific strings or patterns of text in the URLs (web addresses) of your website. By utilizing regex, you have the ability to accept certain strings while rejecting others based on your defined criteria.
For instance, let’s consider a basic example where you want to deny access to any IP (visitor) attempting to access the web address that contains the word “admin.” This easy to use restriction helps enhance the security of your website’s back-office, allowing only specified individuals to access it. This example highlights how regex renders traditional techniques like “htaccess” requirements, password brute force attacks, maintenance pages, and 0-day vulnerabilities obsolete, thereby streamlining and improving the overall protection against such threats.

Impressive visitor tracer

We provide over 60 details for each visitor access, offering valuable information for customer profiling and commercial purposes. Additionally, we provide contact details such as phone numbers and organization emails to address any related abuse. The IP table serves as a robust visitor tracer, enabling you to efficiently filter, order, and search through hundreds of thousands of data entries from your mobile or desktop. With a connected console and a range of commands, you have the ability to take action remotely, including “kill,” deny, allow, trust, etc.. any visitor, wherever you are.

1-click setup

While many concurrent solutions require hours or even days of manual setup to ensure proper firewall configuration, GP Website Firewall offers a seamless and effortless way to secure your website with just 1 click. No reading, choosing, or analyzing is necessary on your part. It is the best Website Firewall that eliminates the hassles of dealing with complex settings. Moreover, it identifies attacks, and denies access to the malicious source. With GP website Security firewall handling your security, you can focus on selling, communicating, and enjoying your life. The 1-click setup is capable of blocking most malicious traffic, and if desired, you can fine-tune your firewall settings with either the Newbie or Guru mode, catering to the best of your level of expertise. The firewall is extremely easy to use.

Anywhere Anytime

Stay free! GP is easy to use, portable, mobile friendly and easy to use from anywhere, on-the-go.
You can quickly check notifications, or make updates while away from your desk, providing you more flexibility and convenience.
You stay informed about your traffic, swiftly set deny rules to address any issues or concerns, and proactively prevent potential attack problems from escalating.
It will also improve collaboration with team members sharing your firewall administration in real-time, anytime anywhere.

Shared Token

Our token-based authentication feature offers a streamlined solution for managing access to your website’s back office. Traditionally, ensuring secure access for multiple administrators, especially those without static IPs or dedicated VPNs, has been a cumbersome task. However, with our token-based system, this process becomes effortless.
Instead of dealing with complex keys or cumbersome access controls, administrators can generate unique tokens—essentially, special links—that grant instant access to the back office. These tokens act as secure gateways, eliminating the need for static IPs or VPNs while maintaining robust security measures.
One of the key advantages of this approach is its simplicity and versatility. Administrators can revoke or regenerate tokens at any time. Administrators can easily share these tokens with team members or collaborators via email, messaging apps, or any preferred communication channel. Each token provides secure access for the recipient, ensuring that only authorized individuals can edit or manage the back office.

Score Fraud Intelligence

4.2% of Web traffic is malicious and about 30 000 Websites are hacked every day. But this is also the ‘fingerprint’. We combine different effective, accurate and reliable security technologies, which makes our fraud detection mechanism, probably, the best reliable service and tracking a large scale of ips on the web. These technologies are relaying on the ip history, location, activity.. we can then set an efficient fraud probability score for each ip address visiting your website. We use a soft scoring; that means that a visitor has to hit a certain probability beyond what, we are almost sure it has to be considered malicious, otherwise we let it go.

Automatic Traffic Filtering
Enhanced Privacy and Data Protection
Custom Firewall rules
Front office IP & CIDR whitelisting
Front office IP & CIDR blacklisting
Back office IP & CIDR whitelisting
Back office IP & CIDR blacklisting
Front office Geolocation blocking
Back office Geolocation blocking
Page requests rate limiting by time
Front office URLs and requests filtering
Back office URLs and requests filtering
URLs filtering rate limits by time
Search engines & Hosts whitelisting
API Front
API Back
Full API Block
Search engines & Hosts blacklisting
Attacks Protection
XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) protection
SQL injection protection
File inclusion protection
Command injection protection
CSP – Content Security Policy
CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection
Web scraping protection
MIME type sniffing protection
Intrusion Prevention Intelligence (IPS)
IPS POST Exclude
IPS Header Exclude
Captcha human challenge
IP obfuscation detection
Bind User Agent
Bind to IP
Absolute Timeout
Idle Timeout
Score Fraud Intelligence
SSL/TLS encryption enforcement
Brute force attack mitigation
CAPTCHA Challenge Tracker
Fingerprint scanner
User agent filtering
Private POST
Private Headers
Strict Pages View
Strict Method(s)/page
Strict Key(s) Method(s)/page
Strict Key(s) value(s) Method(s)/page
Security Monitoring and Management
Real-time traffic monitoring
Security event logging export
Analytics Export
Visitor tracer
WAF Profile & Rules Management
Logs Watch
Security notifications/alerts
Security analytics/reporting
Centralized management and monitoring
SSL Monitoring
DNS Monitoring
Major search engines database accuracy
IP abuse contacts listing
Web application vulnerability scanning
Simulator Mode
Live world cyber attack map
Token-Based Authentication
Other Features
Custom Lockout message
1-click setup
Secure ticketing support 24/7/365

We Protect Your Website

Wordpress, Joomla, WHMCS, Clientexec, any php open source or custom script.. GP WAF is designed for everyone.

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